Frequently asked questions

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The leading platform in the Spanish market that allows you to obtain all the information available about new agricultural and livestock machinery.

What is Agromaquinaria?

The main brands of the agricultural sector trust in to have all their products, news, videos and offers in one unique web..

The users can see any product of one brand through pics and high quality videos, pdf documents with product specifications and a clear and concise product sheet to make navigation through our website easy and comfortable for all users.

How does Agromaquinaria work?

In the upper section of the web you will find the "Machinery" section, and then you will have to choose from our categories or search in the advanced search engine, just type in the words you are looking for and press the magnifying glass.

You can also find out the latest information on the sector in our novelties section.

How can I search the machinery that I want?

If you want more information about a product, we have several ways of requesting more info:

  • Click on request more info when you find the product you want more information about. An enquiry will pop up, write your desired questions and send it, it will go straight to the company.
  • Once inside the product sheet you will see the contact information of the company on the right side of the screen. Click to show the phone or email.
I want more information about a product

Inside each product you have the option to recommend it, just fill in the information of the person you wish to send the machine to and he or she will be able to see it as well.

Send a family member or a friend the machine I have seen

If you want to see the machine that you are interested in later, click "Add to favourites" when you are inside the product sheet. In the upper part of the website you can see Bookmarks and the number of products that you have saved. When you enter the website again, click in "Bookmarks" and they will appear again.

How can I save my searches to see them later?

If the price or the picture appear to be fraudulent, please write us and tell us why. You can do it in the product sheet on the right side.

Report a mistake in this ad

In the Access section you will find a button that says I DON'T REMEMBER MY PASSWORD. Insert your e-mail and a reminder will be sent to your account.

I forgot my password

Send us a message from the Contact form, or you can write us a mail explaining the problem or calling us at our number.

I  can't log in

There is a section called Newsletter in the bottom part of the web. There you can insert your e-mail and you will receive monthly newsletters for free. .

If you want to register right now, press the following button:
