Ad publication rules

Check the rules that a company has to follow to correctly publish their ads.

Check the rules that a company has to follow to correctly publish their ads

MTH se reserva el derecho de eliminar de sus portales la publicación que no cumpla con los siguientes requisitos:


  • All the ads must have at least one picture.
  • All the ads must have a category.
  • All the used machinery ads must have a defined price.
  • The picture assigned to the ad must be in line with the product and the category .
  • The images of the products will be in a JPG, PNG or GIF format and can't be bigger than 5MB and 2000px.
  • The documents must be in a PDF format and can't be bigger than 6MB
  • Videos can only be added with links from youtube


  • You can't use a picture that is not related to the item on sale.
  • You can't use the same picture for more than one ad.
  • You can't have the same ad twice or more in the platform at the same time.
  • You can't use a scan of your catalogue as a picture.
  • You can't reference in the title, picture or description of the product an external web.
La plataforma sólo puede ser utilizada de forma diligente, obligándose el usuario a hacer un uso lícito y honrado del portal y a no realizar actividades contrarias a las legislación española, a la moral, buenas costumbres y orden público, asumiendo por parte del usuario todas las responsabilidades de daños y perjuicios